ATTRACT THE POSITIVITY AROUND YOU "Positive anything is better than negative nothing". Amidst all the problems going in your life; positivity can be your greatest companion. Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking ever will. Many people go through the same life situations but receive different outcomes. Ever wondered why? This is their difference in thinking that brings out the changes. Half empty or half full it's upto you to decide. One small positive thought can change your whole day. It lets you view life differently. You then have a clean and calm approach towards everything that you observe. Positivity has a different energy which is very infectious. It attracts good people around us and leads to a happy life. When you have tried your best and still not succeeded don't lose hope. Victory is in having done your best. If you've done your best, you've won. The motto should be KEEP HUSTLING. In the end everything will...