Showing posts from November, 2018
Breaking News - Gas Cylinder की Subsidy खत्म करेगी Modi Sarkar / वजह जान...
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HCN Live- Amit Shah Live in Nagaur, Rajasthan / Live Amit Shah Speech / ...
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Kisan Andolan से डरी Modi Sarkar / Kisan Mukti MArch Live / HCN NEWS
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Rajasthan Election - PM Modi की इस Rally ने बदला Rajasthan में माहौल / P...
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Election - Rajasthan में Congress manifesto पर विवाद ? , देखकर उड़ जाएंग...
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LIFE EDUCATION We are always taught from the point of view of getting job.This is called education.But what is life education? We are staying in a very competitive world where we need extra skills to survive. Sometimes we fail sometimes we succeed but what if we fail? Most of us get demotivated when we don't get success in achieving what we need. We think more than requirement which results in depression or stress. Where to go at that time? Obviously we go to counselor . He tries to understand the situation and guides us. Here the question is why do we need counselor, because we don't have enough education about life.It has become the need of today's time to get educated about life. Who will give us this education? Obviously our parents, family and teachers. We should be open minded. In life education we learn how to live our life, what kind of friends we should make, how we can avoid over thinking, how to be a good employee, etc.. What to do wh...
HIMCOM Fresher Party 2k18.
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Freshers Party ‘Fresh N Up 2k18’ Talent was extended to fun and entertainment #freshers_party #fresher_party_titles #miss_fresher_sash #mr_fresher_sash #miss_fresher_speech #star_performer_award #miss_himcom_enchantress #mr_himcom_handsome #mr_himcom_runnerup #miss_himcom_runnerup #sash #crown #brooch #freshers2k18 #freshersparty2018 #media #university #students #journalism #photography #himcomians #media_institute #heritage_institute_of_management_and_communication #delhi
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WATER-OUR LIFE If i ask you where is life on planets? Your answer would be The Earth.Why? The answer is because of water is available only on earth which is the utmost requirement for living. Without water no one can live on this planet. Knowing the fact that water means are available in very less quantity we don't forget to waste it. We should change our habits into the positive ones and spread awareness among citizens about the importance of water. We should promote the less use of water and saving water to live a healthy and safe life. All human beings whether animal or human need water to survive. We all need education on water. However it can be seen as a very common topic but no one actually looks as if they really care . There is a reason behind this. People living in urban areas don't feel the deficiency of water as they live in flats where where all the time there is 24*7 supply but if we go to remote area we will know that how they are surviving. The ti...
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CHILD TRAFFICKING When a child is being recruited, transferred illegally for the cause of forced labour or sexual harassment then it is termed as child Trafficking. In India it is a huge problem. There are so many cases come in front of us daily as number of students disappear everyday. Children are trafficked for many reasons- 1. Child sexual exploitation 2. Slavery 3. Forced marriage 4. Domestic servitude like cleaning, childcare, cooking etc.. Physical, sexual, emotional trauma is given to control the victim of trafficked children. Here,the main problem is that we are not so much aware about this crime. We need to take some initiative in order to fight against it. Child trafficking can have a long lasting and devastating effects on children. They can become mentally imbalanced.They can face some kind of health issues. Even, their confidence level goes down as they start treating them less than the other. Now , the question is how child tra...
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Mr. Varun Katyal (Dermatologist, Diet, Nutrition, Beauty & Wellness Expert), Ms Madhavi Juneja (Life Coach) and Mr Shirish Gupta (Career Counselor & Education Expert) visited HIMCOM Institute shared their experiences and given a lot of information about career and personality. #varunkatyal #dermatologist #nutrition #beauty #wellnessexpert #madhavijuneja #madhavinjuneja #lifecoach #shirishgupta #careercounselor #educationexpert #healthrebalance #career #students #careergoals
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FREEDOM OF PRESS Freedom of Press is the freedom of expression and communication through different means whether it is electronic media or print media. Media is the face of its people so it is very necessary that it should have the right of speech then only public gets the correct news. The Indian Press has long history. Initially there was no freedom given to press and at the time of Britishers. There were many legislation to control the press but in the post constitutional era there is a change. The constitution of India lays down that"All citizens shall have the right, to freedom of speech and expression" In a democracy freedom of Press is very essential as it acts as the watchdog of the society but there are some limitations imposed on it and it is important also- 1. Sovereignty and Integrity of India 2. Security of the State 3. Friendly relations with Foreign States 4. Public Order 5. Decency or morality 6. Contempt of Court Though they en...
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FOLK MEDIA Folk media is an effective means of communication as it helps people to connect with their culture. Today we all are so much reliable on new media that we don't even know the basics of our Indian culture. Folk media is the medium through which the cultural traits are passed from one generation to other. It not only connects people but also helps them to revive the lost culture. The most popular form of folk media is Folk dance. Depending from region to region the types of dance changes. For Example- In Punjab, their folk dance is Bhangra which is considered as the most energetic form of dance however in Kerala Peacock dance is their folk dance which is considered as the most elegant dance. Folk music is yet another popular form. Each territorial area has a different folk music of its own. Folk music is admired because it does not need any kind of preparation.Wherever people gather they start singing . Lyrics of folk music is striking as it has a satirical s...
Media and Indian Culture
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Media and Indian Culture Media has become the inseparable part of our life.It affects our culture in different ways. Media is the biggest tool which feeds the people the way it wants.So media leaves a big impact on our culture. How ? Let us check. Media has their own constructive way of letting us know the things whether it is educational or entertainment. Not only kids but other also get the benefit as their self esteem is boosted and they get encourage as they gain knowledge. However on the other hand media instigates and it acts as a bullet . Whatever we see, we start believing in it whether it is violence or supernatural power. etc. Media is the tool through which we get the sense around the world.We don't have to wander from place to place to know about any event.We can immediately turn on the TV or surf on the internet. But again the negative impact is by watching Advertisement kids become very obsessed by their looks.They start imagining themselves as the star...
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- Other Apps The upcoming Indian classical singer Maithili Thakur has given her exclusive interview to HCN News. Also, she shared her experience and struggle for the destiny. # maithilithakur # maithilithakursongs # bihari # bihar # indianclassicalsinging # maithilitraditional # risingstargrandfinalehttps
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Mr. A (Magician and India Got Talent Contestant) entertained the students with its amazing tricks and spectacular skills of illusion. # freshers2k18 # freshersparty2018 # illusionist # mramagic # masterofmagic # magicwords # indiagottalent # colors # indiagottalentcontestant # media # university # students # journalism # photography # media_institute # heritage_institute_of_management_and_communication # delhi
Delhi pollution
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Delhi pollution Air pollution in Indians the main public concern and Delhi being the capital of India has always been the center of attraction of tourists but it is deteriorating day by day and the reason for this is polluted environment. Every year the city faces the another level of smog and smoke after diwali and the condition is worsened this year compared to last four years. A report by WHO says air pollution kills approximately 30,000 people every year in Delhi. Polluted air give rise to the serious problems especially for the people who already suffered from any kind of respiratory problems. Asthmatic needs to take more precautions. This is the alarming situation and we need to take step for our safety otherwise this pollution can take away lives of many other people as well. Pollution exposure leads to irritation in the eyes,throat, skin, asthama attacks and other respiratory health issues. Health experts have advised the Delhi/NCR...
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Glittering stills from the dance performances program during the HIMCOM Freshers Party 2K18. #freshers2k18 #freshersparty2018 #lifestyle #danceperformances #dance #choreography #song #art #instadance #dancefloor #bhangra #media #university #students #journalism #photography #himcomians #media_institute #heritage_institute_of_management_and_communication #delhi