We all know about women's day but how many of us know about Men's day.yes it does exist.
From our childhood we have been learning about women and their problem but do we have any idea what conditions men go through. So in order to bring awareness about men and boys, 19th November of every year is celebrated as International Men's day.

If we analyze the things we will realize that men go through a lot of sacrifices being from a son to a husband and father. They have a huge responsibility towards his wife children and parents. This day is focused on men's and boy's health, giving importance to gender equality and celebrate their achievements.

The aim to celebrate this day is to raise awareness against men such as suicide cases, mental illness etc. This time the theme for INTERNATIONAL MEN'S DAY 2018 is 'POSITIVE MALE ROLE MODELS'.

It also focuses on the achievements and contributions men have made towards the society,community,family etc. It is celebrated in around 60 countries. So,it is all about International men's day.

Have a happy and learning day
Urvashi Goel


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