Finally Kiran Bedi has joined BJP Party and now will try her hand in politics .She is declared as the CM candidate of Delhi. once a lady who was with Arvind Kejriwal is now giving her support to BJP,Undoubtedly Arvind Kejriwal must be shocked with this decision .However,Arvind tweeted that he is very happy with the decision of  his ex-contributor.
According to Dr.Kiran Bedi she joined BJP due to the inspirational leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.He was the reason behind her decision. The cold battle between Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwal will be loved by Delhi people.
Kiran Bedi has already proved herself as a very honest police officer but the larger question is will she be able to halt Kejriwal rerun of last elections.
Decision is yet to come .Election will be held on January 7, 2015.


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