Addiction Of Social Networking Sites

Addiction Of Social Networking Sites 

Technology such as social media websites have become prominent parts of life for many young people today, but what is it really? What are the negative affects? 
If once in a day we will think that what much of time in the day I had lost then it is sure that we will get the whole day. The answer is just this "the whole day". Means we just make the whole day means 24 hours means 1440 minutes means 86400 seconds only as worthless. Do you people think its only but I think this is not.
On the negative side there are many risks involved with the social media and the internet in general. One of the risks that is most highlighted by today’s media is cyber bullying; over the internet, which mostly occurs on social media sites, such as Facebook. Cyber bullying is defined as the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.
In many cases it is clear that social media has become not only part of people’s lives but the thing their life revolves around. We see people on smartphones every two minutes looking for the newest Tweet or status updates from friends. We find that being “Facebook official” brings validity to things in our lives and the list of examples goes on. It’s important to realize that this great tool is just that, a tool, not a lifestyle.
The aim of the social networking sites, when they mere made, was to enhance geniality in relations, and such sites are really useful for people working in companies or running organisations, where they need to discuss topics of importance. But what sort of happiness they give to youngsters has not been understood by me yet!
Today the situation is so worse that if one's relative is unwell, he simply posts a short comment on his profile"GET WELL SOON". Are these short words more effective than a warm meet?
Owing to all these reasons, I feel that social networking sites are eating up our emotions and feelings and making us DUMB, HEARTLESS MACHINES!


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