Think before you speak

Think before you speak

One of the most simple way to express your feeling is to Communicate,but sometime we do not realize that the way we are talking can hurt someone's feeling.It may sound crazy but we have the power to make or break someone's day and it is possible by the way we talk.
Our tongue is the most soft organ of the body but it can break anybody's heart at once.
A good way to think before we speak is to ask our self if what we are going to say is appropriate,or if is it the right time to speak.
Always remember your words will define actually what you always remember to speak in such a way that people will remember you for a good reason.The words which you choose is a sign of your intelligence and ignorance.
Sometimes we are pretty careless about the words which we choose,we do not think even once while speaking and hurt by the chosen words,after which we realize that something has gone wrong but now it is of no use because it is said "words once uttered  can not be taken back"
So,rightly said by someone Think before you speak.


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