On the occasion of children’s day the star cast of the upcoming Bollywood film Aksar 2, Zareen Khan graced the campus of Heritage Institute of Management and Communication in Delhi on Tuesday. Speaking about their experience at the HIMCOM in Delhi, actress Zareen Khan said, “It was a great experience coming to HIMCOM and promoting our film. The students here are really good and I wish them best luck in future.” and she also wished A very Happy Children's Day. Zareen Khan reading the prospectus of Heritage Institute of Management and Communication. #HIMCOM #CHILDREN_DAY_CELEBRATION #AKSAR2 #ZAREEN_KHAN #New_Delhi #Best_Media_College #prospectus #prospectus2017 #BMC #MMC #Course #Anchoring #Journalism #Photography #Heritage_institute_of_management_and_communication.


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