A good write-up flows freely. It informs without showing off. It is entertaining without being sounding or bombastic. This sums up what a good write up is, be it an article, essay. 

Remember, to be  GOOD WRITER, YOU MUST BE A GOOD READER AS WELL. What to read? is often an important question. The suggestion given to a novice is, start reading and you will know what to read. Interests of each individual vary. There is hardly a person who does not read.

Visit any library. Go to the shelves at the first instance then gradually to the catalogues to select the books you want to read. Initially you can begin with some classes. Why not Shakespeare, if you want to settle down as a writer in English? 

If you do not want to read Shakespeare, start with any book of any writer. When you begin, the book may not be worth reading, but once you start and get into the habit, you would know gradually what more to read. Never be fobbed by the high sounding names of writers that some of your friends may be reading. Do not get into the inferiority complex syndrome. Just knowing the names of big writers alone, does not take you where you want to reach.

This is not only for English but for all the other languages you want to take up writing as a profession for. Remember, the basic remains same.

Have a Happy and learning day
Urvashi Goel


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