Do you ever feel shy in speaking in front of the someone? Have you ever felt that why are you conscious when it comes to speaking ? Usually you start wringing your hand or slouching your shoulder? All these are the signs of being a low confident person.

So, here we will not discuss the problem but its solution.First and the very most important point is that you can not afford to loose the eye contact. Eye contact is must. It shows how confident and determined you are.

Next point is try to improve you general awareness. When you have knowledge then you are not afraid of speaking in front of anyone because you know you are right but on the other hand if you lack in knowledge you will either be very quiet or you will speak wrong which will result again being insulted hence, confidence goes down.

Use your hands to express your word but not very frequently. Use it where it is required. More body movement shows that you are not sure what you are speaking.

Body Language is must. Keep in mind, that you are not suppose to lean towards one side. Do not raise your hands above your head. So many other points are also there because Building self confidence is not one day process but ongoing process. So, whenever you speak remember all the above point. It will definitely going to help you for the same.

Have a happy and learning day
Urvashi Goel


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