"Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try." Failure is not the opposite of success but a part of it. The times when you felt miserable on failing and found your world shattering are the times that have taught you the most. It is failure that teaches us our mistakes and helps us in becoming better person. With each experience we begin with a new journey. There's no man who hasn't failed in his/her lifetime. The famous basketball player Michael Jordan was not selected in his own school's basketball team. Walt Disney was told he isn't creative. JK Rowling, Albert Einstein, APJ Abdul Kalam, Steve Jobs, Abraham Lincoln, etc failed numerous times before being successful. Yet the binding fact amongst them was that they never stopped trying and never lost hope. A child falls many times before he learns to walk. Just like this we need to understand and believe that failure is not the end. We need to have faith in ourselves and must leave no stone unturned to achieve what we desire. Always remember when everything seems to be going against you the airplane takes off against the wind and not with it.

-Susmita Sharma
BJMC- 1st year 


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