HIMCOM Students covered the press event of movie SECRET SUPERSTAR, an upcoming Indian Musical Drama film written and directed by by Advait Chandan and produced by Aamir Khan and his wife Kiran Rao. Aamir Khan and Zaira Wasim and Zaira are coming back with another power-packed performance in Secret Superstar after making a groovy film ,Dangal. When Aamir Khan was asked about Zaira, he said that she is the best female actor in industry. Zaira The film is slated to release on October 19, 2017. #HIMCOM #press_conference #Press_event #SECRET_SUPERSTAR #AAMIR_KHAN #ZAIRA_WaSIM #New_Delhi #Best_Media_College #BMC #MMC #Course #Anchoring #Journalism #Photography #Heritage_institute_of_management_and_communication.


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