CLIMATE CHANGE: Tactics to tackle

Humans have acted as a catapult in the process of climate change that now all we can hear are red sirens. For the past few years now, nature has been alarming us with wildfires, melting glaciers, rising sea level, extended drought, the uneven rise of temperature, that, all is not well. And all we have done is acted towards it at snail's pace. Economies have but forth many strategies and framework to deal with this issue but as for now a lot it is in words only. All thanks to the coming in the unity of 20 million Americans against the ignorance of environmental issue on the April 22 of 1970 that led to the formation of Earth day. Recognising it as a global issue that requires an immediate response. 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the theme for this year was "Climate Action". We need to recall that Climate change didn't happen in a snap, but it was years of subtle and usually condoned problems that have brought us to this cusp. It now stands--more pr...