CLIMATE CHANGE: Tactics to tackle

Humans have acted as a catapult in the process of climate change that now all we can hear are red sirens. For the past few years now, nature has been alarming us with wildfires, melting glaciers, rising sea level, extended drought, the uneven rise of temperature, that, all is not well. And all we have done is acted towards it at snail's pace. Economies have but forth many strategies and framework to deal with this issue but as for now a lot it is in words only. 

All thanks to the coming in the unity of 20 million Americans against the ignorance of environmental issue on the April 22 of 1970 that led to the formation of Earth day. Recognising it as a global issue that requires an immediate response. 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the theme for this year was "Climate Action". 

We need to recall that Climate change didn't happen in a snap, but it was years of subtle and usually condoned problems that have brought us to this cusp. It now stands--more primarily--in the hand of every individual to take measures -- with firmness and dedication-- to tackle this grave issue. Out of myriads of way to do so and here are a few - 

•Raise the dialogue - It's been over a decade since the rise of this issue but still many believe that all of this fraudulent and is a political move. So, the most important thing is to raise this issue in your communities, discuss more it and tell the people who are living in denial that " Hey! Climate Change is real and we will die if it doesn't stop". Another important move is to talk with your family/colleagues/friends/neighbours/relative and check if they are taking healthy actions. Likewise, spreading awareness at an individual level holds the utmost importance.

• Move with Renewability - Everyone is continually moving either on foot or by vehicles. Automobiles are one of the prime reasons that contribute to calling of the disaster. Due to carbon emission (along with other harmful gases) automobiles contribute heavily towards Global warming which is the reason for rising temperature. We need to shift towards "bicycle" as the source of travel for longer distances and our "feet" for shorter. This leads to multiple benefits such as a decrease in the usage of fossil fuels, reduction in air pollution, reduces road casualties and is a good way for maintaining your cardiovascular health. Also, avoid travelling by planes because you emit a huge quantity of carbon unknowingly.

• The invisible foe -  The internet which has become an integral part of our lives is attacking us in unnoticeable ways. Digital carbon footprint collectively produces approx 4% of carbon. E-data is stored around the world in large data centres. These data centres need power (24/7) for sending even a piece of tiny information. We can follow the steps given below to reduce our digital carbon footprint -
-- Playing of videos online is one of the cause. Download instead of streaming it online and block  "autoplay" option so that videos don't begin unnecessarily. 
-- Reduce used of social media and usage of e-mail.
-- Stop the habit of scrolling through your phone every time you get bored. Get some better habits. 

• Steps from home - Unquestionably, kitchen in almost all households produce quite an amount of waste. The very first step is to reduce the production of waste and then to shift from simply throwing to vermicomposting. Second and even a better way is to shift to reusable and easily decomposable utensils. Switch from plastic to paper straw, instead of paper plates buy palm leaves, adopt the usage of beeswax wrap and eco-friendly dish brush and such things. 

• Beet not beef -  It is estimated that 12%-14% of carbon is emitted due to the production of meat and dairy products. Also, the livestock industry produces more carbon then planes, ships and car collectively. Even the slightest shift towards more organic victuals can help a lot. Also, organic food is healthier. We can also start eating food items which are of the season instead of the exported one's. And don't forget to buy food with less plastic covering. 

• Conserve the green - it is not possible for an individual to go out every day and take care of the forest. But we all can take care of trees in our localities. A tee in its life span is said to absorb approximately more than a ton of carbon-di-oxide. And also who today is unaware of the benefits of trees?

• RRR - let us revise what we learned back in our environmental studies class. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 
Reduce - less and efficient consumption. 

Reuse - renew what's out of use. Don't just put it in the bin. Make use of what someone finds waste but you don't. 

Recycle - give a new form to your waste and turn it into usable.

(Quick fact - Just by recycling your home waste you can save approximately 710 kg of CO2.)

There is no denial of the fact that tackling climate change is a mammoth task. But David Suzuki said "In a world of more than seven billion people, each of us is a drop in the bucket. But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket."

Parth sharma
Bjmc ii


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