To debar the second world war (1939-45), President of USA, Woodrow Wilson, initiated the League of Nation in 1920. But it failed in averting the war and reigning a kingdom of peace. After 20 years of its establishment, war broke out which led to mass killing and downfall of economies. It was also this time when America attempted a genocidal attack on Hiroshima, Japan by dropping two atom bombs which caused casualties beyond imagination. Peace and war is an endless interdependent cycle that must go on. One can't imagine without considering the other. It was the wantonness and terror of WW2 that compelled nations to rethink a method of global peace. 

A consentaneous viewpoint of the nation to set up a new international organization instead of reviving the League of Nations. It was on June 26th, 1945 in San Francisco where leaders of 59 nations came together and unanimously signed the charter of United Nations (UN). This organization came into effect on October 24th of the same year.
Article 1 of the UN states its agenda which includes - 

• maintenance of global peace and security, 

• development of friendly inner bonds among nations, 

• bringing together nations to resolve matters of international concern,
• to save the coming generation from ravages of war, 

• reaffirmation of faith in basic rights of an individual, 

• socio-economic advancement of people by the involvement of advance machinery, 

• to take firm steps towards sustainable development. 

UN branches into 6 fundamental organs, 1) the General Assembly; 2) Security Council (most important); 3) the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); 4) the Trusteeship Council; 5) the International Court of Justice; and  6) the UN Secretariat. Security Council constitutes of 5 important members Great Britain (UK), United States, Russia (earlier U.S.S.R), Japan and China. These members have "veto" power i.e if a resolution can not be passed if anyone on these member says "veto". Also, it is responsible for the Security Council to maintain a state of peace and harmony across the globe. But the SC had been tagged as " fundamentally undemocratic" and "contrary to the UN mission" by many critics for providing veto power only to permanent members. Another source of the criticism stems due to exclusion of the Republic of China from the UN. And many also draws attention to how inefficiency UN had been. But is it really so?

On July 14th of 2011, The Republic of South Sudan became the 193rd member of the UN. Apart from six pivotal organs, the UN is also the mother of renowned international organizations such a UNICEF, WHO, UNESCO WFP and WBG (World Bank Group). 

In rudimentary years of UN, it was predominantly a western community but the '60s witnessed an influx of many South nations and the "have-not". Their aim was to change the economical and political grounds that were designed and formed against them.

Last year, the UN celebrated its 75th anniversary. One could draw out many incidents from bygone when UN failed miserably maintaining world peace. Such as, it could not stop the Vietnam War, terror rage by Israel on the PLO, from sending Russians army to Afghanistan, the war between Iraq and Iran and the list goes on. But while sketching out the image of UN let's not forget to include its achievement also.

• To eradicate diseases, the World Health Organization led to many campaigns. After 13 years, WHO (UN agency) eradicated smallpox..

• Another example is of UNICEF which saved the lives of 90 million children since the starting of the UN. For this UNICEF has been accoladed with Nobel Peace Prize in a short period of 2 years after it was found. 

• The Montreal Treaty put forth to protect the ozone layer by limiting the production of CFCs was signed by all the members. 

• ICDS, an initiative by the UN has been successful in reducing the death rate of children who were dying because of diarrhoea and other childhood diseases.

• UN commission for refugees succeeded in placing around 25 million stateless people. 

Despite its various shortcomings, the UN is putting various efforts to bring stabilisation and a kingdom of peace. In annual meetings, it discusses serious that requires immediate action and tries to set détente between nations. It holds a very critical status in a world full of unimaginable atrocities. 

Here are a few facts you can fold and keep in your pocket - 

• UN's article " The Universal Declaration of Human Right" is the first document that talks about the basic rights of a person.

• UN accounts for proving 45% of vaccine for children.

• World Food Programme (WFP) by the UN provides food to some 91 million people across the globe. 

• UN supports 67 countries with their elections.

• It assists approximately 36 million refugees.

• The stand against poverty and provides better living conditions to 370 million rural inhabitants. 

• The supports and provide 1 million women during pregnancy complications.

Parth sharma
Bjmc ii


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