Be Opportunist & grab it soon!

Opportunist is someone who sees an opportunity and use it and make it according to their own advantage. However, In the modern context we can say that opportunist is someone who is doing something unfair, unethical, immoral and also say like doing even illegal.

In today's scenario to be opportunist is indispensable, but if you're not the one who takes advantage of opportunity you are given someone else will grab it. And then we can say someone else can taste and enjoy the food made for us.

To be opportunist is never be wrong if you are grabbing your opportunity in a right way or by following the right path at the right time. It is very easy to bring negative thoughts about the one who is opportunist without knowing the circumstances the opportunist is facing but it is very difficult to make our self understand that what we have is not worth it and this is high time wake up and be opportunist otherwise you will ultimately suffer.


The one who is hard worker is always in search of opportunity in seeking of growth and development like a cat is in search for the opportunity to grab milk. Being opportunist and accepting that you are opportunist is as easy as accepting the fact that I am also a good man. One opportunist is always in search of opportunity and also thinks by considering about long run an opportunist can achieve success soon as comparing with the non opportunist. Whereas, the opportunist are considered to be a hard worker, smart worker and always value time because that’s the reason he waited for the opportunity to prove himself .


Opportunist don’t have any such principles but yes an opportunist can make their own moral values that in search of  best opportunity we follow the right path no matter the path is filled up of challenges and problems just be positive and try to grab the opportunity in a right manner, because anything you achieve by following a right way is always inspire you towards individual personality growth and development.

In today’s scenario there are few students who are opportunist but they believe to be on top no matter the path they choose to reach on top is right or wrong, but this is no right because easy ways not always take you to the right destination. But the difficult way gives you ensurity for your growth & development.




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