Amazon forest .

The Amazon rainforest is broadly defined as the tropical forest in the Amazon river basin and adjacent lowland in the north eastern part of South Amarica .

This area amounts to roughly 8 million square Kilometres ( 3.1 million square miles ) and covers some 40 % of the nearly the size of the unites States.

The Amazon rainforest includes parts of eight south America countries Brazil , balivia , Peru , Ecuador , Colombia , Venezuela , Guyana , and Suriname as wall as French Guiana . A department of France more than three - fifths of the Amazon rainforest lies in Brazil . 

The Amazon is by for the worlds biggest rainforest, covering more twice the area of the Congo rain forest , which is the second biggest rainforest on the planet .

You may see some larger rain forest animal's for example, brightly Coloured poison dart frogs are found widely in the Amazon basin. These tiny Ampibians are highly toxic from the insects they eat , so their colors serve as a warning to potential predators . If you eat me , you will get very sick . These frogs are not dangerous to humans as long as you don't handle them

 Nitin jawari

 BJAMC 2nd semester


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