
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Rise of E-Sports: Good, Bad or Ugly?

Introduction The rise of E-Sports has been nothing short of meteoric. In just a few short years, competitive gaming has gone from a niche interest to a global phenomenon, with professional gamers now earning millions of dollars in prize money. However, not everyone is happy about the rise of E-Sports. Some worry about the impact it is having on young people, particularly when it comes to mental health. So, is the rise of E-Sports a good thing or a bad thing? Let’s take a look at the evidence. E-sports providing opportunities at multi-level The report first looks at the development of the e-sports industry and how it has evolved over the years. It then looks at the different opportunities that e-sports can provide for individuals, teams and organizations. The e-sports industry has grown significantly in recent years and is now a multi-million dollar industry. This growth has led to increased opportunities for individuals, teams and organizations within the e-sports industry. However...

Why print media is not dead: an exploration of the benefits

  1.             Introduction Print media has been around for centuries, and it is still going strong in the digital age. While some people might think that print media is dying, the truth is that it is still an important part of the communication landscape. Print media can be used for a variety of purposes, from spreading news and information to advertising and marketing. If you are thinking about using print media for your business, there are a few things you should keep in mind. In this article, we will give you a brief introduction to print media and some of the things you should consider before using it for your business. 2.       What is print media? Print media includes magazines, newspapers, and other printed materials. It is a form of communication that can be used to reach a large audience. Print media has a long history and has been used for centuries to communicate information. It is o...


  Well we can start this discussion on the note of gaining & loosing as we all come to know in these past years and predominantly during pandemic how journalism played such vital role in our regular life updates. When no one were allowed to work during pandemic only 2 or 3 professions were working and today we are going to highlight one of that profession known as JOURNALISM . Can anyone explain why it was essential for them to work during such time when everyone was stuck between life & death? Considering about the importance of media during the crucial time of pandemic how it helped everyone to keep updates around the world. While focusing on such events to inform the public during these uncertain times, newsrooms across the country have made pandemic coverage a priority. But the ever-changing and sometimes unverified nature of COVID-19 data being released has left journalists and researches with challenges in providing accurate information to the public. Covering abo...

Adani Enterprises Hindenburg Research: क्या है पूरा मामला?

 उद्योगपति कोई भी हो,अगर राजनीतिक कारणों से अनपर हमला किया जाएगा तो देश को आर्थिक क्षति हो सकती है ।इसके बारे में एक बार सोचना चाहिए II अडानी ग्रुप क्या है पूरा मामला? गौतम अडानी ग्रुप की कंपनियों के मुद्दे पर इस समय देश में राजनीतिक गरमाई हुई है  विपक्षी नेताओ ने हिड़नबर्ग रिसर्च रिपोर्ट के मद्देनजर सरकारी बैंकों द्वारा अडानी ग्रुप को लों देने के मामले में अनियमितताओं पर चर्चा की मांग की है ।वहीं अडानी ग्रुप ने विपक्ष के इन आरोपों को नकार चुकी है । वहीं विपक्षी नेता पूरे मामले की एक जांच के लिए संयुक्त संसदीय समिति के गठन की मांग की है । भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने उन सभी बैंकों से ब्योरा मांगा है , जिन्होंने अडानी ग्रुप को लोन दिया है ।वहीं गौतम अडानी ने कहा है कि उनकी कम्पनी के सभी लेन- देन पक्के है । उनकी कंपनी ने किसी भुगतान में कोई गलती(चूक) नहीं की है न ही किसी को वित्तीय नुकसान पहुंचाया है । उन्होंने यह भी ऐलान किया है कि बाजार में यह उतार चढ़ाव  पूरी तरह से बिगड़ जाने के बावजूद अपना FPO वापस ले रहे है  । अब यह सवाल उठता है कि क्या वास्तव में शार्ट सेलर फर्म हिडनबर...


  Being a journalist is a challengeable profession and it takes courage to experience the thrill and roller-coaster journey in life. Everyday new challenges and tasks make an individual more sustainable and efficient to grow themselves in personal and professional life both. Journalism is a field where a candidate gets several options and opportunities to build themselves and if you are willing to be dedicated, passionate and hardworking towards your profession then journalism is the one for you. Here we are going to discuss some of the implications and challenges that one should be prepared about before choosing this field. The followings are:- ·          Lack of trust – Nowadays, in modern media the most concern thing is maintaining credibility as a trusted news source and fighting against fake news. As per the survey the most recent and biggest issue in modern journalism is struggling to get provident and accurate stories. ·  ...