Hand hygiene / Which is better: alcohol or non-alcohol hand sanitiser?

Which is better: alcohol or non-alcohol Hand hygiene is one of the pillars of infection control. It was recognised as far back as the nineteenth century as essential to prevent spread of infections in hospitals – even before it was understood that microorganisms were responsible for causing diseases. Although we have known for well over a century how microorganisms – bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans and parasitic worms – can be transmitted via infected hands, the actual practice of hand hygiene has not been optimal, even among medical professionals. New medicines such as antibiotics lulled people into a false sense of security even into the present century. Studies consistently found compliance with handwashing guidelines in hospitals was only about 50% and there was also a reluctance to use alcohol-based hand rubs because of doubts among medical staff about their efficacy compared to antiseptic soap. Increasing concerns over antibiotic resistance in the early 2000s res...