Things that all journalism scholars should keep in mind

Things that all journalism scholars should keep in mind

If you are planning to shape your career in the field of journalism you must keep certain things in mind and know how to give you the superlative opportunity of following and being paid.
Some tips regarding the same.
Be honest for yourself. If you are honest for yourself then you will be honest for your family, friends, college and organisation. Do much more other than attending classes on a regular basis: Develop a habit of writing on a daily basis, write a blog, and tweet get you known by building up a presence online. Develop a habit of asking questions. Never hesitate to ask a question with your teachers and bosses. If you do not know anything then asks thrice but don't go wrong.
A journalism student must be versatile. He/She should have the knowledge of everything including print journalism, electronic journalism, shooting video, camera, online media, social platforms and many more. Gain as much work experience as you can. Sometimes this will turn into paid work, often it won't. You may go for an internship in various media houses, communication industry as to learn more and more along with knowing the professional world. This will help you in easily coping with the outside environment
Developing contacts is a must. It doesn't mean just having a contact book. Connect with people through social media including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram to engage online and get your name known within the subject area you're interested in. Write, write, blog. If you're an aspiring broadcast journalist learn how to podcast but anyone starting out should create a blog
Work on creating a network of contacts in Delicious, set up RSS feeds to follow subject areas that interest you,keep an eye on LinkedIn company pages. Good Listener: This is mandatory in the field of journalism.
Speaking about HIMCOM Syed Masood added, 'HIMCOM is the most highly developed Institute of its kind provides practical training to the students in the field of Journalism & Mass Communication from day one with its highly qualified and experienced core and guest faculty. There is a huge potential for creative talent in India. The sector is facing an acute shortage of trained personnel. Media platforms-channels and production houses-both desperately seek quality-trained manpower in various functions involved in the making of a successful media product. The institute has been set up to offer con temporarily credible and relevant media education.


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