
Showing posts from March, 2021

"Emotion creates choices for decision making"

 In this modern era, showing our emotions is often considered your weakness and not upright but in reality, your emotions can become your strength if you are properly using them, for that you should be aware of them. Emotions also plays an crucial role in achieving success in both professional and personal life if you take control of them instead of letting them control you. It is our responsibility to use our emotions in the right direction and protect ourselves from being controlled by certain emotions like jealousy, sadness. Our emotions will always stays with us no matter good or bad emotions, where we are and who ever we are, it is our responsibility to learn how to deal with uncomfortable emotions.Our emotions are in our hands only and every person has the ability to change his emotion.  People believe that there is no place for emotions in this modern era. But it is only half truth, in fact emotions helping us in finding a better solution.Emotions are what makes us huma...

"The Power Of Words"

 You may have a habit of saying whatever comes to your mind and  making others hurting. The problem is not your tongue, you should learn to think that what words you are using and what would be the impact of it on others. Few ways to control our tongue:- 1.We don’t need to express our every thought: Be sensible and keep calm because too much talk takes you to wrong things in life . It’s easy to get caught up in debates. We are passionate about something and we think that we can explain the things just a bit more, surely the person we are debating will finally get it, again proverbs offers a different perspective. Calm down and take a pause for at least 10 seconds. Take a moment to think about effect of your words on others and on the situation in general. You should consider the consequences of your words. Sometimes saying nothing is better than saying something. Silence can be powerful. Don’t waste your breathe for fools, for they will hate the wisest advice. 2. There is a po...

होलिका दहन क्यों होता है ? जानिए पूरी कथा |

होली का दहन भक्त प्रहलाद की याद में मनाया जाता है। भगवान श्रीकृष्ण के काल में इस त्योहार से रंग जुड़ गया और इसे उत्सव की तरह मनाया जाने लगा। आओ जानते हैं भक्त प्रहलाद की कथा। एक बार असुरराज हिरण्यकशिपु विजय प्राप्ति के लिए तपस्या में लीन था। मौका देखकर देवताओं ने उसके राज्य पर कब्जा कर लिया। उसकी गर्भवती पत्नी को ब्रह्मर्षि नारद अपने आश्रम में ले आए। वे उसे प्रतिदिन धर्म और विष्णु महिमा के बारे में बताते। यह ज्ञान गर्भ में पल रहे पुत्र प्रहलाद ने भी प्राप्त किया। बाद में असुरराज ने ब्रह्मा के वरदान से तीनों लोकों पर विजय प्राप्त कर ली तो रानी उसके पास आ गई। वहां प्रहलाद का जन्म हुआ। बाल्यावस्था में पहुंचकर प्रहलाद ने विष्णु-भक्ति शुरू कर दी। इससे क्रोधित होकर हिरण्यकशिपु ने अपने गुरु को बुलाकर कहा कि ऐसा कुछ करो कि यह विष्णु का नाम रटना बंद कर दे। गुरु ने बहुत कोशिश की किन्तु वे असफल रहे। तब असुरराज ने अपने पुत्र की हत्या का आदेश दे दिया। उसे विष दिया गया, उस पर तलवार से प्रहार किया गया, विषधरों के सामने छोड़ा गया, हाथियों के पैरों तले कुचलवाना चाहा, पर्वत से नीचे फिंकवाया, लेकिन ईश कृ...

Happiness- The way to Success

  People think that having money, power and a luxurious lifestyle with a  promising future and a pinch of happiness is Success. However, there is no  particular explanation about Success and happiness because it is different for  every person. People usually believe that in a direction to be happy one requires  a successful life. When talking about Success, most of the time people come  up with the mindset that happiness bringing success.  Success and happiness  are often seen as two ideas that are dependent on each other. For any person in  order to experience success, one must learn how both happiness and success  work together. People need to get over the idea of Succeeding and achieving  goals and people try to focus more on being happy with themselves.  Happiness is ongoing state of mind. An individual person can create happiness  in any kind of situation whether it is good or bad.  The moment when people  s...

Fear- An Essential Motivation In Life

It really doesn’t matter where you are standing, to whom you are talking to, what job you are doing, just be there completely and give your best. Make a habit of giving your best of your ability every time with your good intension, only it will lead you to great things in every situation of your life. It’s not your  talent or natural abilities which gives you success, it’s your desire and motivation which takes you towards your goals.  People who have the desire to  be better and give best, they will be noticed by the successful leaders. If you are  putting the minimum efforts required in your job or in your examination, you  will not going to get anything back. Goals can only be achieved by those who  gave their all. Don’t think that your efforts are not being noticed, just give your  100% because they are making you feel unimportant to move you forward  towards your 110% goals. It is unquestionable that fear is one of the most powerful motivator...

Confidence- Key to Success

Successful people gives credit of their confidence for their success, but they have not explain how to build that confidence and what skills an individual requires to become confident. The answer is uncertain because confidence is built on one’s own choices and achievements that sustain your passion which make you feel happy, excite and proud of who you are. The most valuable pursuits of your life is to recognize these things. You can start establishing your confidence by keep in mind and following these ways:   Ø Make Things happen Always remember that confidence is gradual and big changes do not happen overnight. Set a goal for yourself and go for it step-by-step. If you achieve small and big goals, you are going to feel better about yourself. It begins with your day-to-day goals. Because Confidence is built on your achievements. If you accomplish the goals you set for every day, chances are you will start achieving weekly and monthly goals which brings you in the range ...

Success through Persistence

There is always something inside you which excites you to work harder to achieve that. It might be a creative project or it may be a business you want to start. These five steps are long enough to succeed and can help you cross the finish line of the marathon of your life.   Ø Find out your passion:-   It is your passion that gives you energy for the long run towards your goal. If it is not, then you will automatically feel tire of it and probably lose your interest in it, slowly you will stop working on it. Initiate towards the project only when it is your passion. Ø Try to know the answer for WHY:- How will your idea impact your career and your life. Why you are working on it. Will it be helpful for your family and other people around you. Find out the reason behind your hard work towards your goals. Is it essential for you, if yes then why.   Ø Write out a plan:- Prepare a clear-cut Plan that includes well defined action steps. Make them specific and...

Benefits of Good Mental Health

Just as physical fitness helps our bodies to stay strong, mental fitness helps us to achieve and sustain a state of good mental health. When we are mentally healthy, we enjoy our life and environment, and the people in it. We can be creative, learn, try new things, and take risks. We are better able to cope with difficult times in our personal and professional lives. We feel the sadness and anger that can come with the death of a loved one, a job loss or relationship problems and other difficult events, but in time, we are able to get on with and enjoy our lives once again. Nurturing our mental health can also help us combat or prevent the mental health problems that are sometimes associated with a chronic physical illness. In some cases, it can prevent the onset or relapse of a physical or mental illness. Managing stress well, for instance, can have a positive impact on heart disease. Chances are, you are already taking steps to sustain your mental health, as well as your physical hea...

Childhood disappearing with modern education

With the onset of this modern era, childhood is happening somewhere.  Education is increasing in India, but childhood is being lost, at the age of 3, only small innocent children are being admitted to schools.  At an age in which mental and intellectual development of children occurs by jumping, there is a competition to provide education to children at that age.  This stage of age when children are attracted towards sports, but parents are putting the burden of education on children at an early age.  The first school for children to learn is the house, which shows the same behavior in the society, in view of the behavioral conditions in which the child grows up.  This is the best time to make children civilized and to give rites,  But in this pace of modernity, children are handed over bags full of books instead of toys.  For the all-round development of innocent children, it is necessary to play and keep an open mind, but parents are trying to speed ...

History, impact and effects of Electronic media

Media  that use  electronics  or electromechanical audiences to access the content. may also be considered  electronic media . In simple words media that uses electricity to deliver content to its audience is called electronic media. Examples are discussed below in the types of electronic media.  Radio,  Television,  E-newspapers,  Blogs, Social networking sites Vlogs   internet facilitates all above-mentioned sources except radio and television social media sites. Radio was introduced in India in 1923 by few private ventures and has been popular since then but lately, the popularity of Radio is noted to have reduced as it is mostly a one-way audio communication source and with minimum feedback scope. Television was introduced in India in 1959 as an audiovisual electronic media its penetration is now to almost every household and it's not just a source of education, information, and entertainment it has also become a symbol of luxury. Th...