Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it

Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it

On that day...when news of APJ ABDUL KALAM 's death spread thick and fast on social media - many heartbroken with scientists/ Former President's death and many wishing the news was not just the death of scientist, a leading light of India's space programme or of the people's president- it was the demise of an adorable, all rounder, good natured, human being, rooted in fame brought.

 For kalam, science was one of the many, many things he was passionate about- the number one on his passions list being teaching. He said - you ask me to teach 20 hours a day, I perhaps can. And he always come across as a teacher you could look up to for those wonderful motivational. One liners..... That story with you for a long, long time and egg you on when you are not in the best of speeds. Kalam sahab.... As we fondly called him though he might have secretly preferred professor Kalam wrote... several books, scientific papers, essays and his public talks are all freely accessible on the internet for anyone to benefit from. One piece..... He wrote for the launch of Nature India, however, will always remain precious to me. " What do you want me to write one. " 

During the last five decades, we all have seen how many success and a few failures of space programme helped connect countries around the globe. Whenever a major space went takes place - man landing on the moon, first series of communication satellites in the geo - synchronous orbit or remote sensing satellites in polar orbit, NASA astronauts. The visionary scientist had said that " Electromagnetic mass drivers powered by solar energy could provide low - cast transportation of lunar materials to construction sites in earth orbit ". 
With Kalam's demise, India's scientist will miss their champion and star supporter in New Delhi. 
When someone asked kalam the secret of his almost limitless energy, he replied,.. 
      "  When you give gain energy "

Have a Happy and Learning Day
Shabana Bano (BAJMC - I)


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