Being better in real life is more important than being better in social life

Social media is one of the most common terms used in today’s world. It helps in connecting the world all together. Social media connects as well as disconnects the people.  People are so much attracted and addicted to social media that they cannot stay without social media even for an hour. There are many types of social media for instance face book, instagram, YouTube, hike, hangout etc.

 The word social media has social in it but is it actually making us social or vice versa?

I think, use of this is undeniable. It all depends upon on how you use it. Some people use it for showoffs and some use it to stay connected with their loved ones. There is nothing wrong if you use intstagram, face book, YouTube or any other platform but if you get affected then yes, it may harm you. Everything has two sides positive and negative.  If we talk about some positive and negative points then here are the followings-:


1.      Connectivity
Connectivity is one of the most fundamental benefits of social media. It has the ability to connect an unlimited number of people from any location at any time.


2.      Generate awareness

It creates awareness about the world. Many people stay updated not by watching news channel or reading newspaper but also through social media.


3.      Promotes business

Many people work as a social media handler for a specific company and some also work in a social media market. One can even earn through social media. This is one of the biggest advantages of using social media.




1.    Health issues

Time flies when you use social media. Youngsters use instagram all throughout the day even at night before sleeping. According to studies if you use phone at night before sleeping there are higher chances of having insomnia. This may disturb your sleeping schedule.


2.     Inferiority complex

Some people get affected by seeing their friend’s story, status or posts.  Due to this they may develop an inferiority complex in them.


3.     Makes you less social

People prefer to talk to someone who stays miles away from them. But don’t talk to them who are sitting in front of them. This makes them les social.


So these were some pros and cons of using social media. And if using social media makes you away from people then it’s better to use less or to take a break from it so to connect more personally with the outer world than technically. Lastly, I would like to conclude this article by saying DON’T USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO IMPRESS PEOPLE USE IT TO IMPACT PEOPLE.




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