BRAZIL DEMON MARCH : Walk of shame

The state of Saò Paulo in Brazil suffered heavy rain resulting in multi-pal deaths and damage to property this incident happened after the 2023 carnival festivities which depicted the devil’s triumph and a mockery of Jesus Christ.

Some facts about the incident 

Various photos and videos have been rising on social media showcasing different angle of the clam the incident has supposedly gone viral on tik-tok and Facebook. The play was last performed in march 2019 before the covid-19 pandemic. In the 2019 performance a lot of people were seen  wearing demon like designs, serpents etc.

Record breaking rain in Brazil 2023

Heavy rains hit the coastal region brazil including the state of Saò Paulo  and Rio de Janeiro  on February 19 2023. Festivities for the 2023 carnival started on February 17 and continued till February 2023 ignoring the storms in Brazil’s Southern state 

Consequences of the skit 2023

 The play was the subject of lawsuit in 2022 Gavioes da fyel won a public civil action filed by LCM which accused the state of been irrelevant. 2023 edition of Brazil carnival marks the much awaited return of the event after it was cancelled in 2023 and 2021. The governor of Saò Paulo stated this event as one of the worst incident of flooding and landslides in the state.

--Nirbhay Shukla (BJMC-IV)


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