Modernization & up-gradation in lifestyle making Indian's forget about their cultures & ethics!


India, being one of the oldest & richest culture in the world, having a mixture of religion, language, Art, culture & Heritage. Being a secular country, people have the freedom to practice any religion they want to, & also to convert any religion of their choice, any culture they want to follow. People have all the right to take up or follow whatever lifestyle they desire to follow.

When & why did Indian Culture started to change?

India being a culture to perform respect to elders , sattvic diet, healthy Lifestyle, love for animals. Peace & Devotion is an immense way that has its own beauty & benefits along with hidden scientific meaning to it. Although, In modern India, there are many youth that believes following Indian culture or wearing traditional outfits makes them look less "cool". Since the colonization of India by Britishers in the 19th century (being the first westernized subculture to introduce in India) India has adapted & got influenced by the western culture so much that they have started to take their own culture for granted!

Impact of western culture on Indian Society Good, Bad or ugly?

Since Modernization & up-gradation in culture of Indians, perception of the society has affected way too much. Hypothetically, if someone actively follows the western culture like dressing up modern, eating western food, conversing in English or consuming western entertainment makes them look conventionally cool & modern rather than the other person who is involved & values their own culture, wearing traditional & listening to classical music. On the bright spectrum of the story, modernization has also been a privilege to the society & people's perception over so many social topics which didn't serve any purpose to society such as 'sati-pratha' and 'child- marriage' as it helped people to analyze the problem & why it is bad. People have also started to understand & accept LGBTQ community with pride which has been one of the positive change for the people. The Education sector has also improved for women due to the awareness of being independence & importance of education that goes hand in hand, which implies that modernization has increased the open-minded behavior among people.

Consequences of Modernization to the Society 

Although, Modernization has its pro to it for the betterment of the society & wide thinking & perception. It also has some negative effects on society on some basis. People have started to mock our traditional practices & culture. Some people have started to be disrespectful towards cultural activities or even Indian attire. Last year, a case was going viral because a restaurant refusing to allow a woman entry because she was dressed in a saree. This has to be stopped and people should keep a balance of carrying both moral values in a presented way for the betterment of society. 'Its good to adapt new cultures but one should never abandon their own culture for the sake of being cool.'

--Sneha Raha(MMC-II)


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