Reading- Make a Good Habit

Really Reading is a wonderful habit. You have to develop it. It help with your memory. Start reading for just a few minutes a day. Reading is also a great way to maintain your habit.
It is necessary to set aside time every day. It may not be more time to spare but just 5-10 minutes. You may read while you eat or have tea. Before bed is also a good time to keep your reading habit. No doubt reading every day same time. It may be called as reading time. If you spent just 10 minutes in one sitting and just four time in a day, that will be counted 40 minutes per day and 280 minutes in a week. It will be 8400 minutes in a month and 1400 hours. Can you imagine how long it to make a good habit.
Reading of interesting books make this habit also intresting. Reading of book will actually be a fun. Do not feel bore. This habit make you a fun. It is bette to carry a book. This is not an difficult task. If it is possible to carry a book, you can carry a book on your phone or on a small e-reader. From this habit you can take advantage of free time. If the bus or your train is running late or waiting for that open your book and read.
Join a library Being part of this make some accountability for your reading. It can spark your reading habit. Join a group. If you can’t or don’t want to meet in person, you could join an online book forum or social media group that make your perfect thurst of reading. It is necessary to make a list of books. It will be easier to maintain your reading habit. It is also perfect to eager for another book in the queue waiting for you. Look at reading lists such as the bestsellers or lists specific to genres you enjoy for ideas. You could create a social media post like, “My favorite book. Also browse book stores. Used book stores are a great and inexpensive way to find some new and interesting books.
Make a perfect reading habit and you can enjoy forever.


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