Self Confidence is almost the most important aspects of life where ever you go. Whether you are going for exams or public speaking or any other phase. To achieve even the smallest goals in life you should have self confidence. Self confidence is an attitude which allows you to keep yourself happy and highly motivated. 

You will notice that a self confident person has a very good control over themselves. Self confident person don't react too much or get depressed if the things do not go their way as they know somehow they will survive.

When you are self confident you do not hesitate in giving compliments to others in fact you feel happy. Self confidence does not come automatically but you need to put some extra efforts for this.

When you have knowledge you automatically speak up as you know what you are going to say is correct but lacking of knowledge may make you a dull person without confidence. So try to become more knowledgeable.

Many people who used to be very timid and do not have public speaking skills are today a very good communicator. How they managed to be ? By practice and knowledge. When you have knowledge naturally your body language changes.

So be WISE and be CONFIDENT.

Have a happy and learning day
Urvashi Goel


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