What is Chemical Imbalance? Why does it happen? What can you do about it? These are the three most important questions concerning chemical imbalance theories held by many in the bipolar community and the medical profession today. Researchers have spent decades trying to get to the bottom of what causes common disorders such as anxiety, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder etc. No one seems to know the exact causes of bipolar disorder. But many believe it be some form of chemical imbalance. Certain chemicals in the brain, lead to symptoms of physical and mental distress and disturbances. While the exact link between chemical imbalance and mental health disorders, have not been found, clinical studies and medical observations have been able to define a number of chemical deficiencies that occur in individuals who report experiencing symptoms related to ADD, ADHD, SAD, Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Anxiety Disorders.

What is Chemical Imbalance of the Brain?

Common chemical imbalances related to mental or emotional health disorders such as stated above include:
Reduced availability of neurotransmitters like Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, GABA and Acetylcholine
Increased levels of neurochemicals such as Homocysteine which is very toxic
Lower levels of serum Magnesium, Zinc or Potassium
Deficient levels of essential vitamins like B6, B9, B12 and Vitamin-C
Under supply of key co-factors like amino acids that are used to help transport neurotransmitter percursors into the blood-brain barrier
Increased cortisol stress hormone levels.

Why Does Chemical Imbalance Happen?

Virtually no one has the answer to why brain chemical imbalance happens. But we do know it occurs. Ask any medical professional the reasons and causes for bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety disorders and their most likely answer would be “A chemical imbalance.” It is because of this belief, of chemical imbalance, most medical professionals’ first impulse is to prescribe an SSRI, MAOI or similar pharmaceutical “chemical balancer” to treat the condition. In today’s world, pharmaceutical drugs play a key role in attempting to balance these brain chemicals. Most pharmaceuticals used only mask the underlying problem.

So unfortunately, in the majority of cases, the most important question has not been addressed.

What’s Causing the Chemical Imbalance?

Why not look to nature for some answers to the cause of chemical imbalance to see if there is a solution there?


We notice in nature that everything that grows feeds on some sort of nutrition to enhance its growth. Let’s take a look at our nutrition today. Everyone one who reads about nutrition understands our food supply today simply does not provide the essential minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients they once did. How do we know? Well, let’s look at the food we purchase in the local Super Mart.

I did a bit of an experiment with a bag of their vine ripen tomatoes. June 18, 2008 I dipped these tomatoes in different types of bottled, tap, and distilled waters to see what effect the water would have on the tomatoes. To my surprise 80 days later all the tomatoes (including the one “control” tomato I did NOT dip in any type of water) are still exactly the same as when I bought them from the Super Mart.

Now compare that with the tomatoes I picked from my own garden. My own garden tomatoes, if not used quickly, rotted within a week. That’s because the tomatoes had live enzymes in them that supply our vitamins, trace minerals and such. The store bought tomato enzymes were killed, hence preserving the tomato, but causing it to be virtually deficient in nutrition. So it is easy to understand why the general population is lacking vital minerals, vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrient etc. Why? Because they are being wiped out in the processing plant before they hit the grocery market shelves.

Karthikeyan Pillai
Mjmc ii


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