PHOTOGRAPHY is a unique way to capture moments by a creative way.
It depends on the photographer how it creates the photo and also on the skills of photographer. Today we will talk about misconceptions of people related to photography.

The first common fallacious thinking of people that ‘only’ a good camera produces a good picture. It purely depends on skills and talent.

However, some people will now say that, if camera quality doesn’t matter then they should take pictures from a 2 megapixel phone camera.
The answer to this silly question is that, if we are talking of photography surely it would be done with a clear camera and if you are a photographer then you surely know what matters in a picture and how to deal with it.
Buying an entry level DSLR provides you an option to explore the camera and your skills and to try some unique.

If you are a photographer then you must know about the terms ISO, 

SHUTTER SPEED and APERTURE. In a basic entry level DSLR, all three are present and in a good way too. It gives you an idea how to take a good picture and yes all people start from a basic equipment.
So, stop thinking that a only an expensive camera will produce good pictures.
The second misconception is that when people start earning money from photography, they think they have reached excellence but absolutely a big NO to such thinking because when you think so, you will stop learning and learning stopped is equal to creativity stopped.

The third common thinking is, shooting thousands of photos will make you professional. It is commonly seen that the so-called professional photographers or experts give advice like shoot at least a thousand and you will become an expert. In order to achieve ‘expertise’, many budding photographers will then go out with a camera with their batteries fully charged and shoot photos like a maniac. The reality is, photography doesn’t work that way. The fact is that clicking thousands of photos won’t get you very far unless you have a strategy or goal for the day. But if you have a certain goal for example, if you decide to only do landscape photography today or just portraits then you will get a better idea of how to capture the subject the right way.
The most important misconception is that without a tripod you could not capture photos. First of all it’s not true at all. Secondly, if you are creative enough then you will know that tripod acts as a barrier to creativity.
Shooting through different perspective and various angles and making your camera handy makes a good photograph.
However, when you are doing paid shoots or a particular type of landscape photography, then you need tripod but talking commonly all of us do street, short wildlife, macros and all so it’s better to keep our camera handy.
It’s not the end of misconceptions, there are many misconceptions in our own particular mind. The above listed were some common one.
If you are interested in photography, do check my instagram handle in which I post my photographs and nearly all are clicked by mobile or entry level DSLR. My instahadle is photographs_arena  .
Do check and follow.



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