What Can We Do About Chemical Imbalances and Mental Disorders

1. By reducing the stress hormone cortisol, which is linked to depression.

2. Restores One’s sound sleep – raising energy levels by releasing endorphines, which are associated with good mood AND raises serotonin levels.

Drink water that is properly balanced at 7.0 ph value. This way when drinking 8-10 glasses a day of this refreshing live water (purified and infiltrated with magnetic and infrared energy) you maintain a balanced ph. Naturopathics insist that if one maintains a proper ph balance they can not harbor any disease at the same time.

Get sufficient sunshine. Appropriate amounts of unfiltered sunshine wake up your hypothalamus giving you a wonderful sense of well being. The hypothalamus’ main function is maintaining the body’s status quo. Factors such as blood pressure, body temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance are held to a precise value or regulation by the hypothalamus. If your hypothalmus is not turned on by sunlight you experience low energy and feelings of sadness which consume your thoughts causing you to drag yourself from one small task to another with Herculean effort, accomplishing little. But unfiltered sunlight turns on your hypothalamus increasing production of serotonin levels.
Maintain temperance. Even the Bible tells us too much honey turns bitter in the tummy. So temperance is the key in a balanced life.

Breathe pure live air that’s filled with an active electromagnetic field. Go camping in the mountains or find a air purifying system that offers not only pure filter air but one that puts back into the air that same electromagnetic field and infra red energy that produces negative ions, all of which are present in pure clean forest air. This live air invigorates your whole body and keeps your chemicals in balance.

Get your needed ZZZ’s. Learn the natural ways to sleep well at night. Get a sleep mask, that will block out light pollution. Ear plugs that block out unwanted city noises. Maybe softly tune in a wilderness cd. Get a comfortable quality pillow, your dream pillow. Sleep on a quality mattress that is known to give you the best night’s sleep you have ever known AND wake up fresh and ready to start a new day without aches and pains. What a wonderful feeling that is. A good night’s sleep has the opposite effect of a poor night’s sleep. It produces balanced levels of the much needed neurotransmitters dopamine and acetylcholine.

Begin trusting in God. Prayer goes along way in making us feel connected and balanced. Experiments by water scientists show us the amazing restructure of the water molecules when blessed verses being cursed. With our bodies being comprised of 60-70% water how much then would prayer and blessings affect us in positive connective ways with the Creator of the Universe? Think about that awhile and get your chemical imbalance in balance to day.

Karthikeyan Pillai
Mjmc ii


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