Spiritual Ascension For Better Reality. How can I ascend?

This is just a little guide, there is plenty to talk about ascension and 5D. Be aware that it is an everyday process. If you apply this concepts you will live better, be happier, you will figure out how things work in life. As result your frequency will increase: you will ascend to an higher state of being. The happier you are the higher the frequency, the higher the frequency (dimension) the better your everyday life (law of attraction: you attract anything that has a frequency similar to your own). Your perception of reality, the speed of your manifestation, and your capacity to remember why are you here, will change. Basically it's all about working on yourself, healing the traumas we all had so that we can embody our 5D nature.

The first rule in ascension is grounding, which means connecting to the magnetic energies of the Earth. You can do it by walking barefoot on grass or on the sand. You can touch the soil or smell flowers. My favorite way to do this is touching a tree for a few minutes. Just relax, close your eyes and feel the connection with the tree. Even sunlight is great. Why it is so very important? Because if you are not grounded you are disconnected from your body, instead of living in your body awareness you live in your mind, a dangerous place! You float around as you pick up emotions, thought patterns that are not even yours, but of those around you. If we are not grounded we can't live in the present moment and we can be disoriented due to the higher frequencies we are receiving. Your roots have to grow hand in hand with your wings!

This is the best way, so far, to get in touch with our real nature, our Inner (Higher) Self. It is scientifically proven that meditation helps to strengthen the immune system, lowers the blood pressure, helps with anxiety/panic attacks, puts you in a state of delta brainwave (deep meditation) which are the same of sleep state, with the difference that we are conscious. It boosts your confidence and self-esteem, helps in activating/decalcifying the pineal gland, therefore the third eye. The connection with the universe, with what is called God is improved just like our emotional maturity. Not to mention that you will be more than aware of your thought process: why and how you think what you think. It helps us to disindentify ourselves from our own thoughts. Yes, they create our reality but we are not them! Meditation is great for expanding our consciousness and awareness. It's a good way to feel the interconnection of everything. Mind soul and body are aligned and can work in harmony, not fighting each other. You want to be more relaxed and conscious? You want to be an illuminated being? Get your a*s on a pillow and meditate!

Love yourself.

The key factor in life is to love yourself. We must learn to accept ourselves fully for who we are, there is nothing else to do! They have taught us that happiness, love, joy, are found externally but this is a lie. We spend our life searching for approval from others, because only when someone else tells us that we are ok, that we are worthy, we feel worthy/beautiful/loved. We have been educated, all of us, and led to believe by our parents, that we are worthy of love only if we do what we are supposed to do, not what we want. You were a bad child when you did something "wrong" and you were a good child when you did what your parents told you to do. Then we bring this programs with us for the rest of our life and we project them in all the other relationships we have. That is why a lot of people are sad, because they believe that to feel ok they have to do what they must not what they want. They have to satisfy the expectation, and please others. How many people mold their behaviors, their style, what they like just to fit in, to conform? That is why a lot of persons are repressed! GIVE YOURSELF THE LOVE YOU SEEK FROM OTHERS!
BE AUTHENTIC AND HONEST WITH YOURSELF! BE UNIQUE! BE CRAZY! How can we pretend to love someone else if we don't love ourselves? We can't! How can you give someone what you don't have? How can you take care of someone if you don't take care of yourself? The biggest mistake that we can do is pretend that to feel whole we need another being. No! You need to be 100% you! You are perfect the way you are, bring your wholeness into your relationships that is the secret! Until we realize this we will always seek outside what is found inside. Remember the external world is a reflection of the inner world. We experience outside what we project from the inside. It's all about you! Do you want love in your life? Do you want to be happy? Start with yourself! And please stop to believe that money can buy what you seek. Money can help but it is not what gives us true, lasting happiness.
One day we will leave everything and we will bring with us not our objects but who we are, what we have done, how much we can love. Again what you are seeking is not found externally. Joy, Love, Happiness, are an attitude toward life that is birthed from inside. Those are unconditional feelings, they need no conditions or reasons to exist. Do you need a reason to be happy? Really? Well you better think about that! Do you love someone only if they do something for you? Do you love only because of what you can gain? Love is not commerce! True love is unconditional, it needs no reasons.

Karthikeyan Pillai


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