Causes Of Imbalances And Its Remedies


Lack of exercise causes an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which is linked to depression. Also lack of exercise causes lack of oxygen and blood circulation which also contributes to chemical toxins and imbalances in the brain.


Today many people drink bottled water. Often times that bottled water is processed by reverse osmosis. Most people today do not realize this water is more detrimental to health than beneficial because its ph value measures 5.0. A ph value of 5.0 is very acidic causing the body’s ph value to reduce considerable each time one drinks a bottle of the water. A lower ph value means trouble for your body because an acidic environment is the exact environment viruses and bad bacteria love. These unwanted viruses and bacteria result in physical and mental health diseases which cause further chemical imbalance of the brain.


Lack of sunshine causes tremendous amounts of changes in the brain. For one it reduces your serotonin levels. Depletion of serotonin is considered the main neurotransmitter of depression.


In today’s world, especially in the USA, we lack temperance. We eat too much or too little, sleep too much or too little, work and play too much or too, exercise too little or too much. We seem to lack balance. And balance is the key to a balanced life in mind, body and spirit.


Much of our air is polluted today especially in the larger cities. In seeking relief we use central air conditioning which results in positive ions being blown into our houses. If you think the air you breath has little to do with your physical or mental health, ask those whose children are suffering childhood allergies, cancers, mental health disorders and other diseases which were unheard of just a century ago.

Ever try breathing carbon monoxide? It can kill you. So with our air today as polluted as it is (and especially with central air conditioning infiltrating the very air we breath with positive ions) I believe causes many chemical changes in our bodies, minds and spirits. To maintain optimal health or bodies need to breath negative ions without residual ozone.


How did you sleep last night? Not everyone needs 8 hours of sound sleep but everyone needs sound undisturbed sleep! Lack of sleep causes chemical imbalances in the brain. Scientists have found people who suffer from sleep disorders produce low levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine and acetylcholine.

Trust in a Higher Power:

Many do not believe in a God as the creator of the earth. Unfortunately for them. There are lots of scientific studies which advocate prayer allieveates depression. I will only quote one reference here. An article in the December 1998 issue of McCall’s Magazine, notes a study done at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical College of Virgina in Richmond, studied 1,902 twins. They found that those who were committed to their spiritual lives tended to have less severe depression and lower risk of addiction to cigarettes or alcohol. The healthful lifestyles of the spiritually rich and faithful clearly contribute to their well being. It is also noted those who do not believe in a higher power suffer more frequently from depression and other mental and physical health disorders.

What Can We Do About It?

Eat more nutritious foods. Try to buy your foods directly from a farmer or at a farmers market. It would be best to purchase organic foods or try to raise some yourself. In doing so you get the extra sunshine that contributes, fresh air and magnetic energy from the earth, which helps you achieve your wellness and balance.
Get appropriate amounts of exercise. Even as little as a 7 minute walk away from the house and back again has great results in warding off depression. Exercise works against depression (caused by chemical imbalance) in a number of ways.

Karthikeyan Pillai
Mjmc ii


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