Where Is Mind Located.?

A mind is a very interesting phenomenon. In this universe there are 2 types of things - Inert (Gross) and conscious. However, mind is such an entity which is neither fully inert nor completely conscious.
Mind is not a part of brain nor part of a heart nor is it collection of thoughts. It is an inner organ which controls our sensory organs and organs of action. This mind is atomic by nature and live at one place at any given point of time. Also, it is extremely fast and that’s the reason it moves from one sensory organ to other but we don’t realize and we get a continuous experience. (similar to how our computers do multitasking - based on time-slicing).
Mind is an interface between inner world (soul/spirit - conscious world) and outer world (physical world). Mind drains the energy from soul and use it to control our sensory organs. When a mind connects to a particular sensory organ and when that sensory organ come in contact with its corresponding subject (like eye with visualizing object, or ear with sound etc) then that information is relayed back to soul which experiences that particular object.
For example, we often experience that when we are sitting in meeting and while listening to a speaker, sometime our mind get lost in thoughts. Now, even if our eyes are looking the speaker and ears are open, we don’t hear or see what the speaker is doing or saying. Suddenly our train of thoughts brain and we return back to real world. But then we don’t remember what the speaker was saying. This proves that unless mind is attached to the sensory organ we don’t experience the outside world.

Such is the mind which reside at different-different locations based on our physical state -
1. Awaken State - During day when a person is awake, most of the time, it is in-front of our eyes. As I mentioned above, it keep moving between our other sensory organs to give us a continuous experience of the outside world.
2. Dream State - While we are sleeping but in dreaming-state, this same mind resides in our throat. While staying there it picks up thoughts from another inner organ called Chitta (this organ you can imagine something like extra-ordinary computer chip which stores our every action), and scramble those thoughts together and present them in movie fashion. However, since mind is still active in this state, we experience the feelings from the dreams, like becoming happy or scared etc. This is the reason why if we see several dreams during sleep, we feel exhausted after we wake up in the morning, even if we were on the bed for like 7–8 hours.
3. Deep Sleep - During sleep when we go in deep sleep, mind disconnects itself from the sensory organs and temporarily dissolve itself in heart region. Now, because mind is temporarily dissolved soul do not have any connection to outside world and hence it doesn’t get any experience. That’s the reason, even though our ears are open our nose continue breathing, we cannot sense a touch or smell anything or hear sound coming surroundings. Once a person awake, very first thing that become conscious is our mind and then all the senses become active. Since mind is temporarily dissolved, we always feel peaceful, rejuvenated when we get deep sleep, because in that state mind is inactive and therefore it conserve the soul’s energy.
This is what science of consciousness tell us about the mind and its location. Hope this helps.

Karthikeyan Pillai
Mjmc ii


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