Racism and today

Racism is a popular perceived notion which refers to discrimination on the basis of colour but that's not all. Colour became a vital index in relation to this term somewhere in 18th century, but when we talk about racism we talk about discrimination on any physical or perceivable character. The great Greek philosopher Aristotle first discriminated people on the basis of the physical appearance into Greeks and barbarians (Non-Greeks). After this history witnessd racism as a weapon to shun and demean many usually weak or poor by the superior or those in power or if we talk about Victoria society by God's. Superiors convinced the inferiors that by the holy law or such you are to follow certain usually derogatory rules and work under their command and they don't deserve any rights not even the right of a decent living.

But racism is seen more usually than not in creating differences on the basis of colour. Discrimination on the basis of colour is called Colorism. This was noted in the early times in Europe and the US when people (mostly black) were bought from Africa to work as slaves. That is where historians believe a preconceived notion of white being superior to the black came from. India also saw a wave of colourism across the nation when the Britishers invaded. A very well known incident is of Mahatma Gandhi when he was kicked out of moving train, all because he was not white. And thus the Britishers planted seed racism which we never stopped watering. Though the 21st century saw an unexpected downfall in racism, it still breathes in many places. In many hearts.
For instance, the national capital is home to many Africans who face racist comments every single day.

But some of the recent cases astonished and ashamed many. In 2020, not only there was an outbreak of deadly coronavirus but an upsurge of racism across the globe against the Asians. In Delhi, a group of man spat paan on a woman from Manipur and called her Corona. In Pune, a lady from Mizoram was harassed by another, who accused her of spreading the deadly virus. A Nagaland student was stripped and beaten by his neighbours. In Punjab, many North Indian students faced racial comments, most common, people addressing them as Corona. The root of all this lies in China, which first saw the outbreak of this virus. People thus believed that Chinese or people who resemble them (Asians) are the reason for the spread. And that is just so wrong.
Passing derogatory comments and judging someone on the basis of their physical appearance is not only in dangerous and inhuman in multifaceted ways but it take a toll on their mental health and sometimes their lives too. We all are equal in spite of our appearances. And we as Humans need to learn this.

Parth Sharma


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