Four Hour Work Week

Timothy Ferriss has been listed as one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People”. He has written hugely popular self-help books like The Four-Hour Workweek or The Four-Hour Chef. His has a lively and addictive writing style, made with a patchwork of tips, personal anecdotes, useful resources, and basic philosophy. The blog explores some of his ideas on designing the life you want, not working too much and building skills in no time. Have a look!

There you are. I hope that you have found something there that will guide you on your way to personal development and excellence. If you know or find any other inspiring blogs that will help us achieve our goals in life, feel free to share them in the comments below.

Of course, don’t forget to follow the goalmap blog where you will find the inspiration you need all along the way to reaching your #lifegoals: reflections and tips on personal development, success stories from our goal-oriented community, reviews of books we found particularly helpful, etc. Our focus is on goals, goals and goals!
! your life goals.

Prateek saxena
Bjmc 2nd


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