Stray Dog's in Quarantine

Dogs are an integral part of the human life, way since the inception of mankind. Their is a mention of PARIAH DOGS in the Mahabharata as well. Hence we are in any way or the other, realted with dogs. While i say related that means, either we might have been an owner of a dog in past or present or even planning to adopt one, or if you one of them who have an anathema with dogs , then also you may have rescued a nexus of dogs in your nearby community.
While we all know that the we are going through this ' penelope web' of CORONA VIRUS( COVID19). Everyone is staying in quarantine and making themselves safe. The last day when i went out for a brisk walk in my society, i saw 6 little puppies and there was such an alacrity and hope in their eyes as if some kind of a Messiah had come to rescue them. Looking at their condition my heart went blue. But then , the same evening i came back and feeded them chapatis and milk , and the reaction's were so surreal. But because they were seven in number including their mother , it was really a task to feed each one of them. Whatever i used to feed them came out to be scarce. I was a little apprehensive as to how will these puppies survive, as a very less number of people were interested in feeding the puppies. Then three days later my apprehension came to be true as one of the puppie passed away, and that was think popped as a whistle in my head. I myself being a dog afficianado,could bare the fact that in my presence a puppy passed away. And this might sound a a little whimsical, but i called up the Police commissioner of my city, and consulted him as to what to do in this grim situation as the dogs have nothing to eat and the situation of theirs is aggrevating. Hence the Commissioner gave me a very practical idea. He told me to go to as many house as possible and coordinate which the society members and ask each one of them to contribute. Hence, i followed his instructions and did the same.The closest Kirana shop vendor also contributed by give some grains for the dogs,which i then cooked and made them feed. Within a reach of time, the puppies started recuperating.

The ecosystem in which we are living has defined certain roles for everyone . Be it a humans or the animals. Its a responsibility of ours that we should not only look after us and family, but also the one who are in need.And by need , i don’t just mean to stray dogs , but to the birds and other who are despirately in need of us.

Amisha Singh
BJMC ii.


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