It is obvious from this aspect of the research that body building can serve as an efficient way to assist in losing weight.
Bodybuilder is also efficient because of the metabolic benefit to the body that are derived. As such those that are trying to lose weight should implement weightlifting into their exercise regimens.

The major problems with bodybuilding involves injury. Many injuries occur simply because bodybuilders over extend themselves. All bodybuilders must take the appropriate precaution to prevent injury. These precautions include getting the proper amount of rest and not over exerting themselves when training.

2. Another serious problem associated with bodybuilding is Steroid abuse. Many bodybuilders are so anxious to get results that they take dangerous steriods to increase the size of their muscles. Many steriods have serious side effect of our body. These side effects include decrease libido., heart problem, sex problem. And lungs. Some of these side effect can caused death in bodybuilders. And some bodybuilder can death with these types of steriods. For this reason bodybuilder must understand  the need for patients and the lasting impact of ingesting such powerful drugs in our body. In recent years the FDA has warned against the use of Anabolic steriods in all areas of sports. Such warning have come after death and serious medical condition traced back to the use of the drug. Bodybuilder of all ages should heed the message being presented by the FDA and stop the use of these substances. There is no need to take these dangerous substance,particularly,because their use can end in death or serious chronic health problems.

The purpose of this descussion was to examine the art of bodybuilding by examining ita origins and the current status of body building. The research found that bodybuilding involvea a combination of pysical exercise, diet, and weightlifting. Some bodybuilders enter competition that are designed the show off their pysiques. These competions take place throughout the world and the winner receives a title and monetary prizes.
Overall there are very real benefit that can be realized through body building. There are some problems that are body builders can have these problens are injuries and steriods abuse. With this understood, participants should enjoy the sport while also taking the appropriate precautions. Faliure take these message to heart can end in serious problems...

Vijay Yadav


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